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Effective way to relax horses and dogs: manual lymphatic drainage

manual lymphatic drainage on horses and dogs: international course
manual lymphatic drainage: international course
The lymphatic system is similar to the blood circulation. It carries antibodies and cellular components and is involved in the detoxification of the body. The manual lymphatic drainage (ML) is a gentle massage that stimulates the lymph flow. Swellings are reduced more rapidly and the regeneration of injured tissue is accelerated considerably. Additionally, the stimulation of free nerve endings causes relaxation and pain relief. Over-acidification of the muscle is prevented in competition as waste products are removed more quickly and muscle regeneration is sped up.
This course deals with basic techniques as well as the application of ML to horses and dogs. The theoretical part covers physiology, pathology of the lymphatic system and the anatomy of the horse’s and dog´s lymphatic system.
Additional video content will be provided on the WIFI learning platform.
The fee for the exam in may 2024 is included.
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- The historical development of manual lymphatic drainage according to Dr. Vodder
- Physiology
- The anatomy of the lymphatic system
- Lymphatic drainage of skin
- Deep lymphatic drainage
- General aspects of manual lymphatic drainage
- Basic strokes and its application on people
- basic strokes and its application on horses and dogs
- special strokes

Eveline Lugsch
experienced trainer (more tan 30 years) in manual lymphatic drainage according to Dr. Vodder, massage, meridian massage, first one who teach manual lymphatic drainage on horses and dogs in Austria, owner of training center "Der Schildbachhof" in lower austria
manual lymphatic drainage, massage, meridian massage
- veterinarians
- animal physiotherapists
- animal masseurs
- animal keepers
- anyone interested
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